Spring 2023



v. to free from or as if from a leash : let loose
v. to throw, shoot, or set in motion forcefully

Four Landscapes

Artwork by Caitlin Higuchi (‘23)

Editor’s Note

Dear Reader:

The 2022-23 academic school year is sadly coming to a close, yet life still goes on. The passage of time is reflected through seasons (summer begins on June 21st, 2023), years, or periods of our lives. It is evidence of our existence and our mark on the world.

This school year was incredibly unique, marking a return to reality or, as many others call it, the "endemic." Having faced new challenges these past recent years, we hope you stay curious, creative, and committed.

As you embark on your next chapter, we hope you will also adapt to unexpected turns and make new choices, as they are a part of our unknown journeys. If it's something that the past year has taught us, it's that you have the tremendous and incredible ability to unleash your inner and outer talents just like those who have contributed to this Edition. Will you be the next?

Best Wishes,

Mike Nguyen (‘23)



Fall 2024


Spring 2021