About Us
Aperture is a student-run literary magazine that exists to serve The King’s Academy’s students. We publish writing, artwork, and photography created by students, teachers, and alumni to display their God-given talents and to inspire others.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; / the skies proclaim the work of his hands. / ... their voice goes out into all the earth, / their words to the end of the world.”
Our history
We were founded in 2012 by Editor-in-Chief Aurora Zhang and art director Sharon Park with the help of Mrs. Rosé (spiritual life dept.), and published hardcopy issues. Since then, we have published a myriad of talented authors, artists, and photographers.
Our previous issues were printed, and cost students to buy. To improve accessibility, we switched over to this digital magazine in 2019. For anyone who is interested, physical copies (2017 and before) can still be found in the library.
Thank you all for supporting us, and keep creating!
the Aperture Editorial Team