Spring 2019
Heralding the new as it ushers out the old.
Photography by Abby Eckhardt (9)
Editor’s Note
Dear Reader,
I’m writing this to you now, when I can still purely and wholly empathize with the challenges you are experiencing. That’s not to say that at some point I will stop understanding the way you think, but that time is unreliable. It shifts and tends to shrivel and jade our perspective on many matters of the heart. I hope you will be able to relate to my insight here; perhaps, you will even learn something from it.
Love is an abstract - almost like art. It blossoms in unexpected places. I have fallen in love with cities, the breeze of the trees on my face at the top of my grandparents’ house, and the gentle tug of the waves’ retreat into the sea. And I have fallen in love with the people around me, in every possible way. If you are lucky, you will have met some of them by the time you read this. But most you will never know - because that’s the way life works. They have loved me and I have loved them, and we have shared the days we were meant to spend together.
You will experience many iterations of love as I have, too, throughout all the seasons of your life. Some will bring you immense joy and you will be grateful for them. Others, not so much. And that’s okay! The important thing is that you utilize balance and wisdom: to develop your capacity for feeling, to develop your means of expressing emotion, and to develop tenacity for handling all the heartbreaks/rejections of everyday life.
These are just some of the lessons I have learned in love and pain, a summary of all the letters I have written from the road. I hope you will remember these and many more.
— Katelin Tharp, Editor-in-Chief