Autumn 2019
n. a glass or other transparent object in prism form, especially one that separates white light into a spectrum of colors.
Editor’s Note
Dear Reader,
“What’s your favorite color?”
There is a subtle blessing in the mind’s capacity to remember. This afternoon my mind led me to the lesson we learned about light refracting through a prism. I think of colors. I think of ice-cold orange juice with a teaspoon of brown sugar sipped with my red-matte lips under the yellowish-tuscan sun. Thinking of those little white lilies tossed with a grey stone sunken deep down the blue lagoon lost in a blackhole. Pink-positive thinking with green tea on the side, hoping for a slight chance of a Rainbow after this storm.
I miss the summer days in which softball was the only thing on the agenda, the summer days with nostalgia in the air and pop songs on the radio. Things change, life’s crazy like that. Fixed, white streaks of light turn into a multitude of colors.
There’s a color scheme inside every heart, and your heart, dear reader, will change. And that’s okay! When it's time for you to move on, you'll know. You'll still be who you were, but you'll be wiser, you'll have made friends and been places you've never found yourself before and you'll have new tricks up your sleeve, like how to turn light into a Rainbow.
I can’t wait to see what you do next.
— Katelin Tharp ‘20, Editor-in-Chief