Beginning of the end
It’s been a year of lockdown, a year of solitude. But, through the tired haze of waking up just a minute before class and staring at screens all day, we have clarity in photographs and artwork.
Here are the winners of the Beginning & End Contest. But first…
Why such a dramatic title?
Answer: because it is the beginning of the end — of the contest! And of the school year. Here you’ll find the three winning works, but don’t forget that all contest submissions will be published in the Spring 2021 edition (coming out towards the end of the school year)!
Photography winner
Grand Prize
Kyler Hanson (‘22) — “SF bay sunset”
“After a beautiful day of boating with my good friend, I put up my drone (DJI Mini 2) to get a nice shot.”
Honorable Mention
It was a close race, but here’s the honorable mention!
Abby Ninan (‘23) — “Ready to Fly”
Artwork winner
Grand Prize
Rachel Tse (‘25) — “The Golden Line from A to King”
“The Golden Line travels through the deck of cards, symbolizing the journey one takes around the universe from beginning to end.”
Honorable Mention
Just like the photography submissions, another artwork stood out.
Yoonha Park (‘22) — “Beside My Growth”
Prompt submission winner
Alongside photography and artwork, we asked submissions to come with a short explanation of how the work relates to our prompt, “beginning & end”.
James Hsu (‘22) — “The sky rises above humanity's head, like an unfathomable dimension that floats above us. Prior to modern technology and recent discoveries, people question: what is beyond the sky? Is the sky infinite? As humanity advanced and explored beyond the atmosphere, we saw the limitless space through the portal of our sky. We saw a new beginning to adventure and beyond. As we seldom look up at the sky in our busy lives, may the barrier of cotton streaks scattered across the baby blue sky remind us that the sky isn't the end to our possibilities and imagination; it's just the beginning.”
Grand Prize
James Hsu (‘22) — “Dimensions of the Sky”
Honorable Mention
James showed us that the sky isn’t just the sky. Another submission, too, opened our eyes.
Abby Kong (‘22) — “fading footsteps”
Beginnings and endings. Contest submissions have ended, and this blog post will soon too, but the contest isn’t over yet. Watch out for all of the contest submissions in our next edition!
The school year is coming to a close, too — but we’ll have another edition out before that. Until then, goodbye! And good luck on your finals.
Cover photo by Tiffany Gan (‘25)