The Festival of Destinies

“What… Why would they commit such chaos? They were only going to leave. They had PROMISED ME!”

Short Story by Jeyoon Park (‘27)

Edited by Zixin Su (‘26)



Loud music blares through the speakers that hang from every pole. Humans chatter and yell incessantly, whether they’re students, teachers, parents, or random guests. Miniature shops line up the entrance of the academy. I really just want to crawl into a cave and slam the door on everyone’s faces. I truly dislike festivals and such gatherings with a heartfelt passion. However, I decided to attend, for the only three people that I could stand in this entire school, Winston, Mira, and Justin. Winston, that childish brat! He practically dragged me here and didn’t show up! This is as nerve-wracking as his 17th birthday that we had last week! Mira, my other friend, pokes me and Justin, who is just as unexcited as I am. Mira tries to loosen up the nervous mood.

“Hey, Justin, Peyton, cheer up…” She grins. I nod my head.

“I’ll try…”

“Aww, thanks. It’ll be over soon, don’t worry.”

Justin pipes up. “Nah…”

Mira coaxes Justin with puppy eyes. “Oh, my favorite pessimist… For just one day? Please? For me?” I groan at her plea and roll my eyes.  

Justin relents. “Ok, ok! I’ll attend the festival. But, promise me something….”


“Take me…. on the date. The one that you, um, promised me last week. After the Ceremony is over.”

“Huh? After…? Uh, yeah, sure.”

I raise my eyebrow at Mira. Don’t fall for him. Focus on the plan at our hands, do you hear me? Mira looks at me and nods her head in dismissal. She smiles and mouths, Of course, stop worrying. I raise my brow. Really, Mira, really. Something’s up for sure. I shrug and tap my foot silently and look around in anticipation for Winston.

What is this festival, you may ask? Well, this party is held in the Academy of Legends, which is a school built and taught by magical beings. The students who attend this school, such as me and my friends, are magical descendants of the previous generational legends of this realm, also known in alternate timelines as, “characters from tales and fables.” The classes and courses differ, depending on whether the student is identified as a Villain or a Virtue. The festival that commences today is the celebration of the Destiny Reading and Takeover, for both Villains and Virtues when they reach the age of 18. Today also happens to be the thirtieth year anniversary celebration for the banishment of Rumplestiltskin.

The Destiny Reading and Takeover is an annual graduation event that occurs at night, when students at the Academy are of age to take upon their parents’ and older relatives’ fates and tales.  This year, in particular, has many students who have to follow their parents’ destinies. I sigh heavily. I have struggled over the thirteen years I’ve been at this academy about accepting my fate to become like my dad, who is rather famous as the Pied Piper. I’ve come to accept it because… I realized that I was superior to fellow beings, as Rumplestiltskin taught me.

I sigh again, thinking about Rumplestiltskin’s banishment. Rumplestiltskin had once saved me from a deranged woman and her three hungry bears, and has secretly taught me magic since then, becoming my beloved mentor.  However, three years ago, he was dragged away by Queen White’s military forces. My cowardly dad, who, after he had renounced his evildoings, made sure that he kept me safe from becoming a villain, so that I wouldn’t have to be treated with fear like he had been before. He was known as the Pied Piper. He and Morgana (my traitorous mother, who left me as a little baby) used to be friends and alumni with my mentor. I groan and hide my face from the others, since I always get sick whenever I take a look at the dimwitted and annoying Virtues.

“Hey, Peyton…” A Virtue girl, Layla White, comes up to me and smiles. “Hope my parents can become friends with your dad…”

When I look around, a few girls around me stare at me apprehensively and some of the boys shuffle away in trepidation.  I scowl and retaliate.

“What did you come to me for, Layla? Are you going to ask me to be your friend again? Oh, I really wish I had a poisoned apple to give you right now…”

Layla sighs. “Oh… Peyton… I just want to be your friend…”

I huff. Give up, brat girl. I glare at her as she shuffles away in disappointment. What a huge batch of hateful children…

Before you think I’m very discriminatory, I must first introduce my crew. Mira, the most mood maker friend of our group, is the daughter of Rumplestiltskin and my oldest friend. She harbors secrets, such as intense discontent for many of the Virtues here, especially for Layla and her family, who took her dad away from her. As for Winston, my newest friend is the child of Wendy Darling and Peter Pan. He first met me five years ago, when I was weak and being bullied by some Virtues.  At the time, he used his levitating shoes to crack someone’s neck. According to Winston, my dad was the one who brought him and his Lost Boys crew to the island. When I visited Winston’s household for the first time, his mother told me that she and Pan got together and had their children after my mom lifted the curse on Neverland. Justin is the grumpiest friend, and is the youngest son of Jack, the beanstalk conqueror. And because he confides in me to keep his secrets, I know that he’s planning to propose to Mira tonight. See, I can make friends with Virtues. I just don’t think most of them are worthy enough to talk to me. 

I tap my foot impatiently, waiting for Winston to come soon. I have two deep secrets. One is that I’m working with Mira behind everyone’s back, including Justin and Winston, to free her father from the reigns of Snow White.  The other secret, the deeper one, is that…. I have a crush on Winston. I’ve told it to Mira and Justin, but my dad is aware of it as well, because Justin relayed it to him. I remember my dad telling me with a surrendering voice.

“Of course, darling… Just know that you can’t blame anyone except for yourself if he breaks your heart.”

Thanks, dad. I know I’ll do better in my love life than you ever did. I decided to extract Winston from the Ceremony, so that when Mira frees her dad and brings down destruction upon the school, he’d be safe.  And to do so, I have to stall him until night… and confess to him.  But I’m not sure, since the only thing I have prepared for Winston is my symphony of flute songs.

“Peyton! Justin! Mira! Sorry I’m late!”

I whip my head towards the voice calling for me. It was Winston. I sigh in relief and put a finger over his mouth. “Shush… You’ll attract attention…”

Winston nods and chuckles. “Hey, Peyton. Thanks for joining me in the festival. I know you hate this festival, and you never wanted to do this again, but thank you...”  He rambles and tears up in awe and gratitude.

I shake my head. “Then make us happy and stop crying.” I wipe his tears off. I ask cautiously, “So…, um, what do you suggest we do today?”

Winston smiles. “My parents opened up a new amusement park today. We should stop by there after the Takeover Ceremony ends! Just the four of us!”

I inhale. Don’t think that’ll work, my guy.  I smile softly. “Alright. But before the Ceremony starts, let’s hang around the town.”

Winston nods.  “Cool!”

Mira intervenes. “Um, Winston? Peyton?”

We immediately turn to face her; Winston stares at her in curiosity.

“Can I…. stay back to do something? I’ll meet you at the Ceremony.”

I realize what she’s saying, and I wink at her, signaling her to execute the steps of the plan.

Justin nods.  “Actually, Winston, Peyton, I’ll stay behind too. I’ll lie in bed until the Ceremony starts, alright?  Come get me later!”

I roll my eyes. Mira waves goodbye to us, and nods. I see her turn around and cast her magic to teleport to the White Palace, which is pretty far from here  I smile softly, proud of Mira’s role in the plan and thankful of how she didn’t blame me for not doing much to contribute to the scheme. I grab onto Winston’s hand and exit the gates of the school. We start walking around town, just the two of us.


When is this day going to be over… Oh. Hello, I’m Justin. Cool. That’s all there is to know about me for I’m a boring person with no traits whatsoever. Have a nice day. There’s nothing more to talk about.

I grumble. I’m doing just fine with my life. I lie in bed. I run a million different scenarios in my head for when it comes time to confess to Mira. I wonder why she left, though… I sleep.

I wake up after hours of sleep, and I groan. I wasn’t supposed to sleep for this long… I missed the Ceremony!  ust then, I see violet smoke snaking through the school grounds. I peek out the window, and I see…  Morgana and Rumplestiltskin.  My dad, stepmom, older brother, and other stepsiblings are all turned to stone. Then, when I start to bash myself for being so lazy and powerless, I see Mira walk up to Rumplestiltskin and… pat him on the back.

“Good job, Dad.”  Mira smiles. Mira? What did I just hear?

“Thank you, sweetie. Best daughter ever,” Rumplestiltskin replies. So… Mira took off to… set her dad free from prison?  THE RUMPLESTILTSKIN?

Morgana clears her throat. “Mira, my beautiful daughter, where’s your sister, Peyton? Hmm?”

Is Peyton in it, too? Without any more hesitation, I summon whips of beanstalk vines, and leap out the window.

“Rumplestiltskin, Morgana, how could you! I won’t… forgive you!” My voice shakes of rage and desperation.

Rumplestiltskin laughs.  “Sure, kid~.” He lunges at me. Morgana vanishes into the air to cause havoc for the residents nearby school.  But before I can do anything, Rumplestilskin swings at me, forcing me to fully immerse myself in a struggle against him.


I’m Winston. Everyone used to think of me as a stereotypical short and noisy boy of endless joy and wonder. I felt so empty and unloved, and my life was pretty stumped.  My life in London was so insufferable that my parents sent me to this school, and told me and my siblings about how I was a magical heir. This academy was no different than my old schools in London. But…  When I first met Peyton and her two friends after I moved to this school from London, I fell in love with her, thanks to her kind nature and musical talent.

Today is the day I decided to take courage and confess to her! But… I worry that she… thinks of me as a little brother rather than a love interest.

Anyhow, I take her on a tour around the town, and although she’s more acquainted with it than I am, she acts very amused and gives reactions to whatever I blabber.

After eating breakfast at Drizella’s Cuisine and having lunch at Belle’s Buffet, it soon became five minutes before the Reading and Takeover Ceremony started.

“No need to hurry, Winston! We can’t get there in time, anyway!”

I stop in my tracks.  “Hey, Peyton?”

Peyton staggers slightly in surprise.  “What?”

“Since we’re already late…. Can I tell you something?”

“Ok, um, sure!  What is it…?”

I see Peyton fidget her hands in her pockets. I just know she would refuse my confession, but I go ahead with it to get it off me.

“Peyton, will you… date–”

Suddenly, a boom sounds, and we both turn our heads to the sound of the blast, coming from the… school courtyard.  Smoke clouds up from the courtyard. Peyton sighs and stumbles. In an instinct of protection, I take the initiative and levitate. I grasp Peyton by the arms, and lift her into the air.

“Let’s see what happened, Peyton!”

Peyton hesitates, but relents. In minutes, we arrived at the courtyard. Flames connect around the rim of the courtyard, toxic fumes fill the floor, and every student, staff, and parent is turned to stone, in what I immediately recognize as someone’s act of duping Headmistress Medusa’s ability to cause havoc. I see my family turned to stone.

“Mom! Dad! Uncle John! Uncle Michael! Aunt Tink! Wait…. Where’s…. Justin and Mira?”

I blurt out in shock and crumble to the ground in a panic attack.


“It’s going to be alright, Winston. We’ll just run away–”

Then I see, on the podium, bleeding purple letters streaked across on it, written, Visited by Rumplestiltskin, father of Mira Stiltskin, and Morgana, mother of Mira Stiltskin and Peyton Piper.

I freeze. My mom left dad for Rumplestiltskin…. And he’s Mira’s dad? I shudder. They said they were only going to escape. What… Why would they commit such chaos? They were only going to leave. They had PROMISED ME!

“I know, no wonder your dad protested when you wanted to attend the academy….”

I turned around to locate the voice, and it was Justin. Justin had already calmed Winston down, and was holding beanstalk vine whips with his bleeding hands. Justin speaks again.

“I was fighting off Rumplestiltskin and Morgana. But I came too late and I couldn’t protect anyone. I’m sorry.”

I smile bitterly, and pat his back. “It’ll be alright. We can bring our families back. And…. restore all this.”

Winston nods. “By the way, where’s Mira?”

Justin hesitates. “She’s… the one who called them here.”

Winston gasps. Winston falls to the ground again and groans. “Why… Why? Why would she keep this from us?”

I spill it all out. I tell the two about Mira’s scheme in full detail.

I sigh. “Well, her dad is the top criminal, Rumplestiltskin. But first, here’s the plan to reverse all this… mess.”

Winston gulps as he processes information. “Go ahead, Peyton. We’re listening.”

“So… I’ll summon those three forward here with my magic flute.”

“WHAT?  Are you sane?  That’s risky, isn’t it?  Just to do what…?”

“Just listen. I can blow my flute and use one of the Banned Spells. It’ll take a hard physical and mental toll on me, but it’s bound to seal them up in a place… like, maybe Azkaban. But, since Mira is a traitor to the school and our friendship, you can’t chase after her love, Justin. I’d have to sacrifice your love. You have to comply, or we… lose everyone else here.”

Justin nods reluctantly and tears fall off his face. “Got– Got it. I guess I have no choice.”

I nod. “Sorry… that things had to get so complicated.”

Justin shrugs dejectedly. “I guess it can’t be helped for now.” He sniffles.

I blow into my flute, and a glowing ring appears in front of Winston. Mira and her parents are summoned.

Mira looks at us. “Peyton, look, I can explain…”

“Not today, Mira. I can’t believe you coaxed me into the scheme without even telling me. It just doesn’t make any sense.”

“Peyton, really, I want to explain, please–”

I blow into the flute, silencing Mira. I mentally conjure up the spell. I take my mouth off the flute, and say, “Piperus Peytonati, Banishment of the Moon!”

The three monsters standing in my Summoning Circle glowed, became chained with one another, and vanished into Azkaban.

“All magic comes with a price, dearie!” I can hear Rumplestiltskin whispering inside my head. I collapse to the ground.

“Peyton!” Justin and Winston call out in unison. Winston speaks again, but murmuring is all I hear as my consciousness fades.

“You– you, You… defeated them. L-Look! I’m fixing up this place! Please, wake up!”

I shed a tear and faint.


Three months after Mira and her parents were abandoned, Peyton woke up Now it’s a week since she’s been up.  She’s honored as one of​ the students of all time for saving the school, although she seems to give no reactions at all, the depressing betrayal of her friend, mom, and godfather providing the reason for her new unhappy disposition. Her dad checks in with her every day and was very proud when I told him about what happened during the Ceremony night.

Knowing her suffering, I decided to knock on her dorm room.

“Hey, may I?”

“Sure.  Come in.”

“Oh, Justin’s still not out, I see.”

Justin is still stuck inside his dorm room. It seems losing his girlfriend is going to be an everlasting pain.



“Sorry that I’m not fitting the mood.  But… will you date me?” I pull out a silver ring.

“I know I’m being insensitive to both you and Justin, but… I planned this originally, before Mira left us.”


“I know, I’m insensitive–”

“Yes, yes.  Alright.”

“Wait, really…?”

Peyton nods glumly. “Yeah…. I love you.The reason that we were late to the Ceremony is partially that. And, I do want to go, but I… well. I just…. wanted our other two friends to be with us. I’d feel so guilty being happy in love while our friends are depressed and imprisoned. Why is our life like this? Why did I have to ruin everything? Couldn’t we all be together?  I’m sorry.” She sighs and covers her face with both of her scrawny and delicate hands.

I nod, showing my understanding. “You’ve been deceived too, Peyton. You’re not to blame for anything that went wrong that day, alright…? I understand it too. I know your pain… And I promise that your price for magic never comes to bite you back.” We hug each other tightly, and cry together.

Later that evening, we spend the entire night until sunrise in my parents’ amusement park. We chill in the quiet setting and think of our dejected lives. During the night, I find myself trying to figure out how to bring Mira back so that our lives can return to normal again. I clasp Peyton’s hand and flash her an encouraging smile as she sobs into my arms.