The Other Side

Poem by Kathryn Li (‘28)


I have an other side

That I don’t really show

But fires grow,

And so does mine.

I am sassy and fiery

With my other side out,

But it is too foreign for me

To do that.

I don’t wanna know,

What will happen if

I unleash it.

So I try to rein it in.

But sometimes it leaks out.

Helping me to be better

At my acting role,

Or I could also do

Something I’d regret.

One day I will explode out

My other side for good.

But I don't know how,

And today’s not the day.

Cartoon Tiger

Artwork by Caitlin Higuchi (‘23)


KATHRYN LI (‘28) is a seventh-grade student at The King’s Academy.