The Food

This story was an entry in the Short Writing Contest 2020.

Story by Andrew Wi


Let me explain to you how life works. There are two types of creatures, the Eaters and us. The Eaters usually have long and short things that stick out of their bodies. We are the Foodians. Most of us have nothing sticking out of our bodies, but some of us do. The Eaters do a weird thing where they mash us with their “teeth” and then turn us into a goo. Then, they put us in the dreaded swirler which leads to the dark river. When this process ends, there is nothing left of us. Most of us Foodians try to stay away from the Eaters, but they just find us. On the other hand, some of us are made by the Eaters. My friend is a Cheese named Cheeset and he was made by an Eater we call a Mooer. A Mooer makes sounds like “Mooooooo.”

“Applicus, an Eater has been spotted. We have to go to the shelters!” Is that my Mom? Yup. I guess I’ll have to sulk about life later. Oh well.

“Coming, mom,” I reply before she freaks out that I’m missing. I quickly get my sleeping sister, Appalia, and hurry to get to the dirt tunnel in our home.

My mom is yelling to my dad, “Hurry Applo, you need to drop down from the tree!” My dad suddenly realizes what’s happening, like he just snapped out of hypnosis, and drops down from the tree to roll into the dirt tunnel that leads to Foodopolis. 

Once everyone is in the tunnel, our mayor, Mayor Banano, says, “Foodopolis was discovered a few days ago by an Eater, so we will just have to take shelter in this tunnel. Today we lost a young Cheese named Cheeset and one of our teachers in our school, Mr. Broccolo.” As soon as he finishes, my mind dawns on the fact that Cheeset was taken! Cheeset’s parents are crying and begging the Mayor to do something. However, the mayor stays silent and reminds them that there is nothing we can do. 

As we wait in safety, my mind cannot stop thinking about all the Foodians we lost. Even one of my siblings was lost! As minutes pass, my mind wanders to what I can do and it finally settles on an idea. Even if it is a hopeless quest, I must try to rescue my friend Cheeset and other Foodians. After all, Orangiver Twist did it, so how hard could it possibly be?


ANDREW WI (‘27) is a sixth-grader at The King’s Academy. He likes to write fantasy stories and poetry, and spends quarantine doing work and lounging on the couch with his head in a book.

Photography by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash