Stephen Curry
Poem by Melinda Hsia (‘28)
He is the greatest shooter of all time.
He shocks the crowd.
He shoots insane shots.
He has insane handles.
He is a four time champion.
He is an eight time All Star.
He has a family.
He lives in California.
He was born in Ohio.
Who is he?
He is Stephen Curry.
Who is Stephen Curry?
He is the NBA player who makes shots from every point on the court.
He is the fan favorite.
Everyone wishes they could meet
Dog in Charcoal
Artwork by Caitlin Higuchi (‘23)
MELINDA HSIA (‘28) is a student at The King’s Academy.
Her Statement: “Stephen Curry has changed the game and he is the best of sports. This poem is just some basic facts about him.”