Costco Fresh Produce Room
Poem by Michelle Wei (‘27)
Mom pushes me in the cart
The air, brisk, crisp, and cold
I enter the room as I face the wind
Only that cart with one fruit
The cart and I indulge in the Costco warmth
I could watch Mom face the undesirable
Have I ever faced pain so undesirable
I rode like a fruit in the cart
Waiting for Mom to return to warmth
And I shiver breathlessly in the cold
Lucky to receive more fruit
But in my mind is a hollow and hazardous wind
I stepped into the wind
They feel no pain of my undesirable
But I came to the room for fruit
Against the cold with the cart
Walking and freezing in the cold
I yearn for the warmth
My fingers touch the warmth
Away and away from the wind
Never will I forget the cold
I tell them to face the undesirable
Walking bravely beside the cart
Such agony could transform into fruit
I walk past them with fruit
Rewarding my pain in the warmth
Then, I could push the cart
Seeing them face against the wind
If they could face the undesirable
They stay as long and steady in the cold
I see nostalgia in the cold
Pushing little Michelle like fruit
Little Michelle will never forget the undesirable
And so will I, reaching for the warmth
We together push against the wind
I would be pushing my cart
As love and hunger pull me to warmth,
l always face the wind,
In the Costco Fresh Produce Room, I would be pushing my cart.
Artwork by Isabel Zheng (‘28)
MICHELLE WEI (‘27) is a student at The King’s Academy.
Her Statement: “My fridge will be empty. The Costco Fresh Produce Room feels as cold as Antartica, but what else will I do?”